Table Description
Citizen Script Information: Holds information about the current execution of IEG scripts in relation to the Citizen Portal. Optimistic locking is not required for this entity as only one user will ever be updating a record on this table, i.e. the citizen as they navigate through the Citizen Portal.
Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::CitizenWorkspace::Entity::CitizenScriptInfo::CitizenScriptInfo
Controlling File: CitizenWorkspace\model\Packages\Entity\CitizenScriptInfo_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (9)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
scriptExecutionIDkeynoThe execution ID associated with the ieg script.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
userNamedetailsnoThe username of the user that the script belongs to, this is used to ensure that only the user who started the script is the only user who has access to the information captured during the script.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
startDatedetailsnoThe date the script was started.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
lastUpdatedDatedetailsnoThe date the script was last updated.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
statusdetailsnoThe current status of the script, e.g. Open, In Progress, Submitted or Cancelled.CITIZEN_SCRIPT_STATUSCitizenScriptStatusSVR_STRING<10>
applicationRelatedIDdetailsyesID of the related application type (screening or intake).INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
scriptTypedetailsnoThe type of script being executed, e.g. Intake, Submission, Screening or Filtered Screening.ONLINE_SCRIPT_TYPEOnlineScriptTypeSVR_STRING<10>
datastoreIDdetailsnoThe id of the root datastore entity used by the script.DATASTORE_UID SVR_INT64
datastoreSchemadetailsnoThe name of the datastore schema used by the script to capture data.DATASTORE_SCHEMA_NAME SVR_STRING<40>
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (8)
Index NameAttributes
CitzScrptInfIdx1userName, scriptType, status, applicationRelatedID
CitzScrptDateScrptTypIdxscriptType, lastUpdatedDate
CitzDatScrptTypStatusIdxstatus, scriptType, lastUpdatedDate
CitzScrptStatusDatIdxstatus, lastUpdatedDate
SearchFailedRecordIndexscriptType, status
Operations (19)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
searchByDatastorereadmultiWHERE: datastoreID = :datastoreID
searchByDateScriptTypeAndStatusreadmultiWHERE: lastUpdatedDate < :date AND status = :status AND scriptType = :scriptType
Searches for records by script type and status which have a lastUpdatedDate before the specified date. 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: no
Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
searchByUserNameScriptTypeAndStatusreadmulti Searches for script info record based on username and status. 
readByUserNameAndScriptExecutionnsread Reads a script info record based on execution id and username. 
readByUserNameScriptTypeStatusAndRelatedIDnsread Reads a script info record based on username, script type, status and relatedID 
searchByStatusreadmulti Searches for Citizen Script Info record based on status. 
searchByStatusAndDatereadmultiORDER_BY: lastUpdatedDate
WHERE: lastUpdatedDate < :date AND status = :status
Searches for records by status which have a lastUpdatedDate before the specified date. 
searchByUserNamereadmulti Searches for records by the userName field. 
searchFailedApplicationsnsmulti  SQL
searchFailedLifeEventsnsmulti  SQL
readLastWrittenns  SQL
searchByScriptTypeAndDatereadmultiWHERE: lastUpdatedDate < :lastUpdatedDate AND scriptType = :scriptType
searchByPurgeDatereadmultiWHERE: lastUpdatedDate < :lastUpdatedDate
Searches for Citizen Script Info record based on status which have a lastUpdatedDate before the specified date. 
searchCitizenScriptInfoByDateScriptTypeAndStatusreadmultiWHERE: lastUpdatedDate < :lastUpdatedDate AND status = :status AND scriptType = :scriptType
Searches for records by script type and status which have a lastUpdatedDate before the specified date. 
searchCitizenScriptInfoByStatusAndDatereadmultiORDER_BY: lastUpdatedDate
WHERE: lastUpdatedDate < :lastUpdatedDate AND status = :status
Searches for records by status which have a lastUpdatedDate before the specified date. 
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