Table Description
CaseMultiLegalStatusConfig: Maintains the association between LegalStatusCaseTypeLink and CaseMultiLegalStatusConfig

Maintains the association between LegalStatusCaseTypeLink and CaseMultiLegalStatusConfig


Temporary Custody legal status is associated with Assistance case which has multiple legal statuses indicator set to true, this allows the case participant to have multiple active legal status at the same time. If multiple legal statuses indicator is set to false, the case participant can have only a single Legal Status active at a time.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Appeals::Legal Action::Legal Status::Entity::CaseMultiLegalStatusConfig
Controlling File: Appeal\model\Packages\LegalAction\LegalStatus\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Attributes (4)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
multipleCaseLinkIDkeynoUnique generated IdINTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
associatedCaseTypeCodedetails Code table value of the Case typeCODETABLE_CODE SVR_STRING<10>
relatedIDdetails Unique ID of the AdminIntegratedCase or ScreeningConfiguration entity etcINTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
multipleLegalStatusInddetails Indicator to show if the legal status can be multiple or not for the case typeCURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (10)
insertinsertPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodify Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
readLSMultipleCaseLinkDetailsnsread To retrieve the details from the case type and the relatedID. 
searchAllAsociatedCaseTypesreadmulti To retrieve the records from the case type and the relatedID. 
searchAssociatedIntegratedCasesnsmulti To retrieve the records using the case type and the relatedID.SQL
searchAssociatedScreeningCasensmulti To retrieve the records using the case type and the relatedID.SQL
searchAssociatedProductCasensmulti To retrieve the records using the case type and the relatedID.SQL
searchAssociatedInvestigationCasensmulti To retrieve the records using the case type and the relatedID.SQL
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