Table Description
Rule Object : A stored instance of a concrete Rule Class.

A CREOLE Session may be created with a DatabaseDataStorage strategy, which will store on the database all "external" rule objects created. External rule objects are those created by clients of CREOLE, as opposed to "internal" rule objects which are created within rules execution and are never stored.


A client of CREOLE creates a rule object instance of rule class A, in a CREOLE Session with a DatabaseDataStorage strategy. A row is stored on this entity for the rule object.

When calculating the value of an attribute, CREOLE encounters a "create" expression and creates an internal rule object. No row is stored on this entity for the rule object, because the created rule object is internal.

A client of CREOLE creates a rule object instance of rule class B, in a CREOLE Session with a InMemoryDataStorage strategy. No row is stored on this entity for the rule object, because the DatabaseDataStorage strategy is not in use by the Session.

Technical Notes

The data on this table may only be read or written using CREOLE APIs - no direct access to the underlying data is supported. DMX files and/or database scripts must not be used to populate this entity.

Optimistic locking is not required as rows are never modified.

Relationship Diagram
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Attributes (2)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
creoleRuleObjectIDYesNoUnique ID of this database row.SVR_INT64
creoleRuleClassID NoIdentifier of the concrete rule class of which this rule object is an instance.SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
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