Table Description
Rule Attribute Value : The value and state of a Rule Attribute on a stored Rule Object.

A Rule Attribute Value row is stored for every Rule Attribute on Rule Object, i.e. for each Rule Attribute available on the Rule Object's Rule Class.

Rows are only stored for Rule Objects which are stored. Thus rows are not stored for rule attribute values for internal Rule Objects, or for CREOLE Sessions which do not use the DatabaseDataStorage strategy.

Each Rule Attribute Value has a lifecycle, which is stored in the state column.


A client of CREOLE creates a rule object instance of rule class B, in a CREOLE Session with a DatabaseDataStorage strategy. Rule class B extends rule class A. Rule class A declares attributes a1 and a2, and rule class B declares attributes b1 and b2, inherits attribute a1 and overrides attribute a2.

The following rows are stored on this entity, each with a state of "not yet calculated" and value of NULL:

  • value/state for attribute A.a1 on the rule object;
  • value/state for attribute B.a2 on the rule object;
  • value/state for attribute B.b1 on the rule object; and
  • value/state for attribute B.b2 on the rule object.

Technical Notes

The data on this table may only be read or written using CREOLE APIs - no direct access to the underlying data is supported. DMX files and/or database scripts must not be used to populate this entity.

Relationship Diagram
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Attributes (8)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
creoleRuleAttributeValueIDYesNoUnique ID of this database row.SVR_INT64
creoleRuleObjectID NoIdentifier of the rule object which owns this rule attribute value.SVR_INT64
creoleAttributeAvailabilityID  Identifier of the available attribute whose value is recorded in this rule attribute value.SVR_INT64
value  The XML representation of the value. If the XML representation is too long to be stored on this record, the remainder will be stored on a chain of overflow records.SVR_STRING<3900>
hashcode  A computed hashcode for the value, as an optimization for searching. Note that the hashcode computation (provided by a ValueHandler) MUST be portable across JVM vendors and versions, and so the computed hashcode may not necessarily be the same as value.hashCode(). The NULL value (converted from a dtls struct value of 0) is strictly reserved for the hash code of error values only.SVR_INT64
state NoThe state of this attribute value.SVR_STRING<10>
overflowID  An optional identifier to overflowing data which is too long to be stored in the value column.SVR_INT64
versionNo No SVR_INT32
Foreign Keys (3)
Indices (3)
Index NameAttributes
CREOLERAVOwnerIdxcreoleRuleObjectID, creoleAttributeAvailabilityID
Related Pages (0)