Table Description
Batch Process: A started (but not yet completed) instance of a parallel-enabled batch program.

Rows on this table only exist while parallel-enabled batch programs are running. Once the programs have completed the corresponding rows on this table are deleted.


You schedule the batch program Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility (which is parallel-enabled) to run every night.

The program consists of two executable processes:

  • Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility, which identifies the records to be processed, groups them into chunks and monitors the processing of these chunks; and
  • Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility Stream, which processes these chunks.

The scheduler starts the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process, which confirms that there is no corresponding row on this table (indicating that last night's run completed successfully). The Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process creates a row on this table to signify that processing has started and identifies the chunks of records to be processed.

Due to a database crash the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process fails and is restarted by a batch operator. The Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process retrieves the row from this table and skips the chunk identification step and proceeds to monitor the processing of these chunks.

In the meantime, your scheduler starts 10 instances of the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility Stream process. Each of these reads this table every second, waiting for the instance row to be created. Once the row has been created, each Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility Stream process starts processing chunks of records.

When all chunks have been processed, the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process writes a summary report and deletes the row from this table to signify that tonight's run is complete.

Technical Notes

The determination that all chunks have been processed is based on an attempt having been made to process each chunk, not that all records in each chunk have been processed successfully. The report details any records or chunks which have been skipped due to errors.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Infrastructure::Batch::BatchProcess
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Infrastructure\Batch_cat.efx
Attributes (5)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
instanceIDkeynoUnique ID for this instance of a parallel-enabled batch programBATCH_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID SVR_STRING<60>
parametersdetails The parameters passed to this batch program instance, serialized as a BlobBATCH_PROCESS_PARAM SVR_BLOB
startDateTimedetails The date and time on which this batch program instance was startedCURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
numberOfChunksdetails The number of chunks of records to be processed by this batch programBATCH_PROCESS_NUMBER_OF_CHUNKS SVR_INT32
baseChunkKeydetails The initial key value used when inserting chunksBATCH_PROCESS_CHUNK_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (2)
Operations (4)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
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