Table Description
Batch Process Definition: A batch process which may be started by a batch operator or scheduling tool.

The textual description for the batch process is stored on Batch Process Description.


You design a new class in the Rose model called 'MyBatchClass' and create a new <<batch>> method called 'myBatchMethod'.

When you build and run your online application and login as an administrator, the System... Batch window will list your new batch process and enable you to request that the batch process is executed.

Technical Notes

A Cúram batch process is referred to by the name of a class and method in the Rose model. The method must have the stereotype <<batch>>.

This table is populated automatically from SQL generated at design time from the Rose model. See the Cúram Server Modelling Guide and the Cúram Batch Processing Guide for more information.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Attributes (5)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
processDefNameYesNoThe name of the batch process.SVR_STRING<100>
appName  The name of the application to execute for the batch process (no longer required).SVR_STRING<100>
className  The name of the class containing the operation to perform the batch processing requested.SVR_STRING<100>
opName  The name of the operation that will perform the batch processing requested.SVR_STRING<100>
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
Foreign Keys (4)
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