Table Description
Batch Group Description: A group of batch processes.

If your system contains a large number of batch processes, you may define logical groups of these batch processes to simplify navigation in the administration screens.


User Ronan Rooney finds that he often requests the invocation of batch process A followed by batch process B.

To simplify navigation in the administration screens, User Ronan Rooney creates a group called 'Ronan's group' which contains the batch processes A and B. The Cúram Server creates a row on this table to store the batch process group.

Technical Notes

You do not have to assign every batch process to a batch process group; it is always possible to view a full list of all batch processes in the administration screens.

Any batch process may belong to more than one batch process group.

For more information see the Cúram Batch Processing Guide.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Attributes (3)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
groupIdYesNoThe ID of the Batch Group.SVR_INT64
groupName  The name of the Batch Group.SVR_STRING<30>
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
Foreign Keys (4)
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