Table Description
Batch Error Code: A translation of a batch error message name to a numeric code.

Exception messages may be thrown from the logic within a batch process. To allow a third-party scheduler to interpret an error, you can use this table to provide a translation for the batch error message which might allow the scheduler to decide whether to continue processing or halt.


The batch process MyBatchClass.myBatchMethod can throw these exceptions:

  • ERR_MYBATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND (it is safe for the scheduler to process other batch programs); and
  • ERR_MYBATCH_DATABASE_NOT_FOUND (it is pointless for the scheduler to attempt to process other batch programs).

You could provide a translation for each of these exceptions by storing rows on this table as follows:


(assuming that your third-party scheduling tool interprets 0 as 'Ok to continue' and 1 as 'Halt').

Technical Notes

If not match is found for the batch error, then the value held in the property `curam.batchlauncher.default.error.code` is returned. If this property is not specified (or its value is invalid), then the value 1 is returned.

For more information see the Cúram Batch Processing Guide and the documentation for your third-party scheduling tool.

Attributes (4)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
errorCodeIDYesNoThe ID of the Batch Error Code.SVR_STRING<254>
errorCode NoThe Batch Error Code.SVR_INT32
versionNo No SVR_INT32
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
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