Table Description
Batch Chunk Key: The next available unprocessed Batch Process Chunk for a Batch Process.


You schedule the batch program Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility (which is parallel-enabled) to run every night.

The program consists of two executable processes:

  • Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility, which identifies the records to be processed, groups them into chunks and monitors the processing of these chunks; and
  • Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility Stream, which processes these chunks.

The scheduler starts the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process which creates a row on this table which an initial key value of 1 (the first unprocessed chunk).

In the meantime, your scheduler starts 10 instances of the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility Stream process. Each of these:

  • reads this table to obtain an unprocessed chunk to work on;
  • increments the key value and updates the row on this table (thus preventing other instances of the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility Stream process from working on the same chunk);
  • reads the Batch Process Chunk table to retrieve the chunk;
  • processes the 100 records held in this chunk.

In the meantime, the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process periodically reads the row on this table to check whether all chunks have been processed:

  • when the next available chunk key exceeds the number of chunks created, then all chunks have been started
  • at this point the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process attempts to read the rows on the Batch Process Chunk table (which are only unlocked when all chunks have been completed)
  • at this point all chunks have been completed and the Determine Initial Product Delivery Eligibility process writes a summary report and deletes the row from this table.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Infrastructure::Batch::BatchChunkKey
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Infrastructure\Batch_cat.efx
Attributes (2)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
instanceIDkeynoUnique ID for this instance of a parallel-enabled batch programBATCH_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID SVR_STRING<60>
nextKeydetails The ID of the next available unprocessed chunk of recordsBATCH_CHUNK_NEXTKEY SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (1)
Operations (4)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
modifymodify Standard Operation 
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