Table Description
ApplicationRole: An assigned responsibility that a user has on an Application

For an individual application, many users can hold many roles.

Each user may have one or more roles on the same application.

Each role is effective-dated, allowing more than one user to hold a particular role over the lifetime of the application.


Application 1 has two roles of 'application owner' and 'application supervisor'. User A user can hold both of these roles

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Intake::IntakeModules::Application::Entity::ApplicationRole
Controlling File: Intake\model\Packages\IntakeModules\IntakeApplication\Entity\Entity.efx
Table Options
Attributes (9)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
applicationIDdetailsnoThe Application on which the role is assigned to. INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
applicationRoleIDkeynoUnique identification of Application assigned by the system.CASE_USER_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
fromDatedetailsnoDate on which case administration by a Application Role commenced.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
orgObjectLinkIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier of the application owner organization object link.ORG_OBJECT_LINK_ID SVR_INT64
toDatedetails Date on which case administration by a Application Role ceased.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
roleTypedetailsnoCode value to denote the type of the Application Role.APPLICATION_ROLE_TYPE_CODEApplicationRoleTypeSVR_STRING<10>
roleStatusdetailsnoCode value to denote the current status of Application Role.APPLICATION_ROLE_STATUSApplicationRoleStatusSVR_STRING<10>
reasondetailsnoCode table value to indicate why a role changed.APPLICATION_REASSIGN_REASON_CODEApplicationReassignReasonSVR_STRING<10>
commentsdetails General remarks entered by the user.COMMENTS SVR_STRING<300>
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (6)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: applicationRoleID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
searchByApplicationAndStatusreadmulti Retrieves a list of application roles for a specific application and status. 
searchByApplicationreadmultiORDER_BY: toDate
Retrieves a list of application roles for an application 
readActivensread Returns ACTIVE role based on applicationID, statusCode and roleType. This method returns a single record (i.e. when roleType is APPLICATION SUPERVISOR OR APPLICATION OWNER) 
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