Table Description
Appeal Stage: A level within a product appeal process.

A product appeal process is made up of one or more appeal stages. An appeal stage can be defined as a specific type of appeal case. This means that only an appeal case of that type can be created for that stage of appeal for the product. Alternatively, a generic value of 'any' can be selected which means that any type of appeal case can be created for this stage of appeal for the product.


An organization defines a product appeal process for an income support product and defines the first stage of appeal to be a hearing case, the second stage of appeal to be also a hearing case and the third level of appeal to be 'any' type of appeal.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Appeals::Service Layer::entity::ProductAppealProcess::AppealStage::AppealStage
Controlling File: Appeal\model\Packages\Service Layer\entity\ProductAppealProcess\AppealStage\AppealStage_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (5)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
appealStageIDkeynoUnique ID for an appeal stage record.APPEAL_STAGE_ID SVR_INT64
productAppealProcessIDdetails Unique ID of the associated product appeal process. Links the stage to the related product appeal process.PRODUCT_APPEAL_PROCESS_ID SVR_INT64
parentAppealStageIDdetails Unique ID of the appeal stage which directly precedes the current appeal stage. It identifies the order within which the current appeal stage fits among all of the appeal stages defined for a product appeal process. An empty value means that it is the first appeal stage for a product appeal process. APPEAL_STAGE_ID SVR_INT64
appealTypeCodedetails Type of appeal case which can be held for an appeal stage. This can be a specific appeal type code (i.e. hearing case, hearing review case or judicial review case) or 'any' appeal type. APPEAL_STAGE_APPEALTYPE_CODEAppealStageAppealTypeSVR_STRING<10>
recordStatusdetails Status of an appeal stage record. The values are 'Active' or 'Cancelled'.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (13)
insertinsertPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Standard Operation 
modifymodify Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifyAppealTypensmodify Modifies the type of appeal for the specified appeal stage. 
readStatusAndProcessIDnsread Reads the ProductAppealProcessID and record Status associated with an appealStageID 
modifyRecordStatusnsmodify Modifies the recordStatus for the specified appeal stage. 
searchProductStagesnsreadmulti Returns a list of appeal stages for a product appeal process. 
readLastStageIDns Returns the last appeal stage for a product appeal process definition. The last stage can be identified because its appealStageID will not be used by any other stage in the process as its parentAppealStageID. There can only be one last appeal stage for a product appeal process.SQL
searchProductStagesVersionnsreadmulti Returns a list of appeal stages for a product appeal process. This includes the versionNo for each record. 
countParentAppealStagensPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns the number of appeal stages whose parentAppealStageID is equal to the specified appealStageID.SQL
countAppealStagesForAppealTypensPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Count the number of active stages of this appeal type or of appeal type 'ANY' in a product appeal process.SQL
searchActiveStageParentByProcessAndTypensmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns the list of active appeal stages for a product appeal process configuration, where an appeal of the specified can be created. Appeal stages which are configured so that 'any' type of appeal can be created are also returned.SQL
insertAppealStagensinsert Inserts the Appeal Stage record. 
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Add Hearing Review (Appeal_addHearingReviewCaseIC)
Add Hearing Review (Appeal_addHearingReviewIssueCase)
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Add Hearing Review (Appeal_addHearingReviewObjectCase)
Add Issue to Hearing Case (Appeal_addIssueToHearingCase)
Add Issue to Hearing Review (Appeal_addIssueToHearingReview)
Add Issue to Judicial Review (Appeal_addIssueToJudicialReview)
Add Case to Judicial Review (Appeal_addJudicialReviewCase)
Add Case to Judicial Review (Appeal_addJudicialReviewCaseIC)
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Add Case to Judicial Review (Appeal_addJudicialReviewObjectCase)
Add Appealable Items to Case (Appeal_addObjectsToCase)
Adjourn Hearing (Appeal_adjournHearing)
Adjourn Hearing (Appeal_adjournHearingForIC)
Adjourn Hearing (Appeal_adjournHearingReview)
Continue Hearing (Appeal_continueHearing)
Continue Hearing (Appeal_continueHearingReviewHearing)
New Appeal Process (Appeal_createAppealProcess)
New Stage (Appeal_createAppealStage)
New Hearing (Appeal_createHearingCaseMultipleCases)
New Hearing (Appeal_createHearingCaseMultipleCasesIC)
New Hearing (Appeal_createHearingCaseObjectMultipleCases)
New Hearing Review (Appeal_createHearingReviewMultipleCases)
New Hearing Review (Appeal_createHearingReviewMultipleCasesIC)
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New Hearing Case (Appeal_createIssueHearingCaseMultipleCasesIC)
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New Hearing Review (Appeal_createIssueHearingReviewMultipleCasesIC)
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New Hearing Review (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForHearingReviewObject)
Enter Appellant And Respondent (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForIssueHearingCase)
Enter Appellant And Respondent (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForIssueHearingCaseIC)
Enter Appellant And Respondent (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForIssueHearingReview)
Enter Appellant And Respondent (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForIssueHearingReviewIC)
Enter Appellant And Respondent (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForIssueJudicialReview)
Enter Appellant And Respondent (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForIssueJudicialReviewIC)
New Judicial Review (Appeal_enterAppellantAndRespondentForJudicialReviewObject)
- (Appeal_hearingCaseHomeForICTabDetails)
- (Appeal_hearingCaseHomeTabDetails)
- (Appeal_hearingReviewHomeForICTabDetails)
- (Appeal_hearingReviewHomeTabDetails)
- (Appeal_judicialReviewHomeForICTabDetails)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealCaseCombinedList)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealCaseForIC)
Appeal Processes (Appeal_listAppealProcesses)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealTypesForIC)
Appeal Processes (Appeal_listBenefitAppealProcesses)
Appeal Processes (Appeal_listLiabilityAppealProcesses)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyAppealedCase)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyAppealedCaseForIC)
Edit Appealed Issue (Appeal_modifyAppealedIssueCaseForIC)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyAppealedIssuesForIC)
Edit Appeal Stage (Appeal_modifyAppealStage)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyFromViewHearingCaseAppealedCase)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyFromViewHearingCaseAppealedCaseForIC)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyFromViewHearingReviewAppealedCase)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyFromViewHearingReviewAppealedCaseIC)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyFromViewJudicialReviewAppealedCase)
Edit Appealed Case (Appeal_modifyFromViewJudicialReviewAppealedCaseIC)
Edit Hearing (Appeal_modifyHearingCase)
Edit Hearing Review (Appeal_modifyHearingReview)
Edit Judicial Review (Appeal_modifyJudicialReview)
New Case Appeal (Appeal_newCaseAppeal)
New Appeal (Appeal_nextStageAppeal)
Remove Appeal Process (Appeal_removeAppealProcess)
Remove Appeal Stage (Appeal_removeAppealStage)
Reopen Hearing Case (Appeal_reopenHearingCase)
Reopen Hearing Case (Appeal_reopenHearingIssueCase)
Select Appeal Decision to Appeal (Appeal_selectDecisionToAppealForJudicialReviewObject)
Select Appeal Decision to Appeal (Appeal_selectDecisionToAppealObject)
View Appeal Process (Appeal_viewAppealProcess)
View Appeal Stage (Appeal_viewAppealStage)
Add Determination Appeal (AppealDetermination_createAppeal)
Approve Appealed Case (AppealedCase_approveCase)
Remove Appeal Stage (AppealProcessAdmin_cancelAppealStage)
Remove Time Constraint (AppealProcessAdmin_cancelTimeConstraint)
Add Stage (AppealProcessAdmin_createAppealStage)
List Of Stages (AppealProcessAdmin_listAppealProcessStages)
Appeal Process Time Constraints (AppealProcessAdmin_listAppealProcessTimeConstraints)
Edit Time Constraints Configuration (AppealProcessAdmin_modifyAllTimeConstraints)
Edit Stage (AppealProcessAdmin_modifyAppealStage)
New Appeal Process Confirmation (AppealProcessAdminWizard_confirm)
New Program Appeal (AppealWizard_createAppeal)
New Determination Appeal (AppealWizard_DeterminationCreateAppeal)
New Determination Appeal (AppealWizard_DeterminationSelectParticipants)
New Program Appeal (AppealWizard_selectParticipants)
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New Program Appeal (IntakeAppealWizard_createAppeal)
New Program Appeal (IntakeAppealWizard_selectParticipants)
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