insert | insert | AUTO_ID: appealRelationshipID
| Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
validate | | | Validates that the details being entered on the AppealRelationship record are accurate and consistent. | |
searchOutstandingReceiptNoticeDetailsByAppealCase | nsreadmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns all the outstanding receipt notice details for an appeal case. | |
countOutstandingReceiptNoticesByAppealCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Count all appealed cases which have not had their receipt notice generated. | SQL |
readByAppealCaseAndCaseAndStatus | nsread | | Determine if the case is already appealed for the current appeal | |
searchActiveAppealByCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Determine if the appealed case is already on an active appeal case. | SQL |
searchActiveAppealByCaseAndPriorAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Determine if the appealed case and prior case combination is already on an active appeal case. | SQL |
searchActiveDecisionsByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Retrieve the list of decisions for the appeal case | SQL |
searchActiveDecisionsByCaseAndAppealType | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Retrieve the list of appeal decisions where the implementation case was an appealed case. Only want CLOSED appeal cases. Only want ACTIVE appealed records. | SQL |
searchReasonByAppealCase | nsreadmulti | | Retrieves the reason codes for all appeals associated with the specified appeal case. | |
searchActiveCaseOwnerByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the case owner and caseID for all implementation cases directly appealed on an appeal case. | SQL |
searchActivePriorCaseOwnerByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the case owner and prior appeal caseID for all prior appeal cases appealed on an appeal case. | SQL |
searchActiveAppealByCaseAndAppealType | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Determine if the appealed case and type combination is already on an active appeal case. | SQL |
searchActiveAssessmentsByProductDeliveryAndAppealType | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Determine if there are any active appeals where an assessment for the product delivery is being appealed for the current appeal level. | SQL |
searchAppealedCaseDetailsByAppealCase | nsmulti | | Returns all the appealed cases for the given appealCaseID | SQL |
readSummary | ns | | Returns the appealed case details for a particular appealed case. | SQL |
modifyReceiptNoticeIndicator | nsmodify | | Modifies the receipt notice indicator of the appealed case | |
modifyRecordStatus | nsmodify | | Modifies the record status of the appealed case | |
modifyDetails | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Modifies the details of an appealed case | |
readForModifyAppealedCase | ns | | Returns the details needed for display on the modify appealed case page. | SQL |
readForValidateModify | nsread | | Returns the details needed for the validation before modifying an appealed case. | |
validateModify | | | validates the appealed case details to be modified | |
readForRemove | ns | | Returns the details needed to remove the appealed case from the appeal successfully | SQL |
countActiveAppealedCasesByAppealCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Counts the number of active appealed cases which exist for an appeal case. | SQL |
readResolutionAndRecordStatus | nsread | | Returns the resolution code and the record status of the appealed case. | |
countActiveByAppealIntegratedCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns any active appealed cases for the same appeal where the integrated case ID for the appealed case is the integrated Case ID for the appeal. | SQL |
countActiveAppealByPriorAppealCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Counts the number of active prior appeal cases the appealed case is already on. | SQL |
countActiveAppealByCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Counts the number of active appeal cases the appealed case is already on. | SQL |
modifyStatusCode | nsmodify | | Modifies the statusCode for an appeal relationship record. | |
readAppealCaseID | nsread | | Returns the appealCaseID for an appeal relationship record. | |
readStatusAndRecordStatus | nsread | | Returns the statusCode and the recordStatusCode for an appeal relationship record. | |
readResolution | ns | | Returns the resolution, caseID and case reference for an appealed case. | SQL |
readResolutionPriorAppeal | ns | | Returns the resolution code for an appealed case together with the caseID, the caseReference for the caseID, priorAppealCaseID and the case reference for the prior appeal case. | SQL |
searchActiveResolutionDetailsByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the resolution details for each appealed case for an appeal case. Only active and approved appeal relationship records are returned. | SQL |
readResolutionForModify | ns | | Reads the appeal relationship resolution details for modification where the appealed case is not a decision on a prior appeal case. | SQL |
readResolutionPriorAppealForModify | ns | | Reads the appeal relationship resolution details for modification where the a decision on a prior appeal case is being appealed. | SQL |
modifyResolution | nsmodify | | Updates the resolutionCode for the appeal relationship record. | |
readAppealCaseAndAppealStatus | ns | | Reads the appealCaseID and the overall appeal case status for the appeal relationship record. | SQL |
searchActiveResolutionByAppealCase | nsreadmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns all appeal relationship resolution codes for an appeal case. Only active and approved appealed cases are retrieved. | |
searchActiveBenefitPriorAppealAndCaseTypeByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the priorAppealCaseID, caseID, caseType for the caseID, continueBenefitsIndicator, appealRelationshipID and versionNo for all active appealed cases for an appeal. | SQL |
modifyOutstandingReceiptNoticeIndicatorByAppealCase | nsmodify | NO_SQL: no
| Updates all outstanding receipt notices for a given appeal case. | |
readReceiptNoticeDetails | nsread | | Reads the details for creating a receipt notice for an appealed case. | |
readMinActiveApprovedDeadlineDateByAppealCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the earliest deadline date from the all of the active and approved AppealRelationship records for an appeal case. | SQL |
modifyRecordStatusAndStatusCode | nsmodify | | Modifies the statusCode and the recordStatus for an appeal relationship record. | |
readCaseIDCaseTypeAndContinueBenefits | ns | | Determine the caseID, caseType and continueBenefitsIndicator for an appealed case. | SQL |
searchActiveDecisionsByCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Return all prior appeal case decisions for the specified case. Only want ACTIVE records and CLOSED appeal cases. | SQL |
readPriorAppealByAppealCaseAndCase | nsread | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Reads the prior appeal case ID of an appealed case. | |
readAppealCaseIDAndAppellantType | ns | | Returns the appealCaseID and the appellant type code for the given appeal relationship. | SQL |
countActiveByAppealCaseAndResolution | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the number of appeal relationship records for an appeal case which have the specified resolution. Only active records are considered. | SQL |
readAppealCaseRejectionDetails | nsread | | Returns details needed for the appeal case rejection. | |
readActiveAppealDecisionDate | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the earliest decision date from all the appeal relationships associated with the given appeal. | SQL |
searchDeadlineDetailsByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the CaseID and Deadline Date for each appealed case which is associated with the specified appeal. | SQL |
searchEarliestDeadlineDetails | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the earliest deadline date for all of the active and approved AppealRelationship records for an appeal case. Can return more than one record when deadline dates are the same. | SQL |
searchCaseIDForAppeal | nsmulti | | Returns the caseID for all cases which are associated with a specified appeal case. | SQL |
searchAppealedCaseResolutionDetails | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns resolution details for each appealed case on a specified appeal. Only active and approved appealed cases are retrieved. | SQL |
countActiveAndApprovedAppealedCasesByAppealCase | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Counts the number of approved and active appealed cases which exist for an appeal case. | SQL |
searchActiveAppealedCaseDetailsByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns all the active appealed cases for the given appealCaseID | SQL |
searchActiveDeadlineDetailsByAppealCase | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the deadline details of all the active appealed cases of a concrete appeal case. | SQL |
modifyDeadlineDate | nsmodify | | Modifies the deadline value of the selected appeal relationship. | |
searchPriorAppealCaseIDAndCaseIDForAppealCase | nsmulti | NO_SQL: no
| | SQL |
getProductID | nsmulti | | Retrieve the products for the specified case | SQL |
searchProductDeliveryIDByAppealCase | nsmulti | | | SQL |
validateIssueModify | | | validates the issue appealed case details to be modified | |
searchIssueCaseByAppeal | nsmulti | | | SQL |
countActiveAppealedIssuesOnAppealCase | ns | | | SQL |
searchIssueAppealedCaseDetailsByAppealCase | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchAppealedIssueCaseDetailsByAppealCase | nsmulti | | | SQL |
countAppealedIssuesOnAppealCase | ns | | retrieves the number of appealed issues on an appeal case. | SQL |
searchProductDeliveryByAppealCaseID | nsmulti | | | SQL |
readAppealedCaseTypeByAppealCaseID | ns | | Retrieves the case type code of the Appealed case(either Product Delivery or Issue Delivery) on which the Appeal case is created. | SQL |
readTimelyIndicator | nsread | | Reads the Timely Indicator for the appeal. | |
searchByAppealCaseAndStatus | nsreadmulti | | | |
searchByAppealCase | nsreadmulti | | | |