Table Description
AppCaseEligibilityResultData: Stores the results of the eligibility check in XML format. Stores the results of the eligibility check in XML format.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::CommonIntake::CommonIntake::Entity::ApplicationCaseCheckEligibility::AppCaseEligibilityResultData
Controlling File: CommonIntake\model\Packages\Entity\ApplicationCaseEligibilityResult.efx
Table Options
Attributes (3)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
appCaseEligibilityResultDataIDkeynoUnique ID for the Application Case Eligibile Result Data.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
creoleRulesDatadetailsyesXML data block for the rules objects.CREOLE_SNAPSHOT_DATA SVR_BLOB
overflowIDdetailsyesID of an overflow row for another block of XML data, if any.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (1)
Operations (2)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: appCaseEligibilityResultDataID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
Related Pages (2)