Table Description
Allocation Line: The assignment of a credit financial transaction to a debit financial transaction.

The allocation line relates to both the credit and debit instruction line items, along with the allocation amount and allocation date.


Following a case reassessment, it was determined that participant John Smith was overpaid by $100. John Smith therefore owes the organization $100 (debit). John Smith repays $100 (credit) to the organization. Curam creates a row on this table to assign the repaid amount (credit) to the outstanding amount (debit).

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Financial::Entity Objects::AllocationLine::AllocationLine
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Financial Manager Packages\AllocationLine_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (6)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
allocationLineIDkeynoUnique identifier assigned by the system to an AllocationLine record.ALLOCATION_LINE_ID SVR_INT64
instructLineItemIDdetailsnoInstructionLineItemID for the Credit Instruction Line Item being allocatedINSTRUCTION_LINE_ITEM_ID SVR_INT64
relatedLineItemIDdetailsnoInstruction Line Item ID of the Debit Instruction Line Item against which the Credit Instruction Line Item is being allocatedINSTRUCTION_LINE_ITEM_ID SVR_INT64
allocationDatedetails Date on which a credit financial amount was allocated to a debit financial amount.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
amountdetails The credit financial amount allocated to a debit financial amount.CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
statusCodedetails Code value to denote the status of the Allocation. Populated from the AllocationStatus codetable.ALLOCATION_STATUS_CODEAllocationStatusSVR_STRING<10>
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (4)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
readByInstructLineItemIDnsread To read the AllocationLine using the instructionLineItemID. 
searchByRelatedLineItemIDnsreadmulti To retrieve details of Credit ILI's which were allocated against the specified Debit ILI. 
searchForRelatedByFinInstructionIDnsmulti Returns a list of the financial instructions that relate to the liability financial instruction ID given.SQL
Related Pages (31)
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Cancel Payment (Financial_cancelPayment)
Cancel Payment (Financial_cancelPayment1)
Cancel Issued Payment (Financial_cancelPaymentInstrument)
Reverse Instruction (Financial_createInstructionReversal)
Reverse Details (Financial_createLineItemReversal)
Create Write Off (Financial_createWriteOff)
Create Write Off (Financial_createWriteOff1)
Invalidate Payment (Financial_invalidatePayment)
Confirm & Reissue (Financial_regenerateAppliedFixedDeduction)
Regenerate Payment For New Nominee: (Financial_regenerateForNewNominee)
Regenerate Payment (Financial_regeneratePayment)
Reissue Payment (Financial_regeneratePayment1)
Reissue Payment Instrument (Financial_regeneratePaymentInstrument)
Reissue with Un-applied Deduction (Financial_regenerateUnappliedDeduction)
Check Retroactive Medicaid Eligibility (HCRRetroactiveMedicaid_confirmCheckEligibilty)
Cancel Sanction (ISP_cancelSanctionEvidence)
Cancel Disregard (ISP_cancelSanctionOverride)
New Sanction (ISP_createSanctionEvidence)
New Disregard (ISP_createSanctionOverride)
Edit Sanction (ISP_modifySanctionEvidence_fromList)
Edit Sanction (ISP_modifySanctionEvidence_fromView)
Edit Disregard (ISP_modifySanctionOverride_fromList)
Modify Sanction Override Details: (ISP_modifySanctionOverride_fromView)
Reverse Line Item (Participant_createLineItemReversal)
New Write Off (Participant_createWriteOff)
- (Participant_regeneratePaymentInstrument)
New Disregard (SanctionAssessment_createDisregard_CREOLE)
New Sanction (SanctionAssessment_createSanction_CREOLE)
Edit Sanction (SanctionAssessment_modifySanction)
Edit Recommendation Disregard (SanctionAssessment_modifySanctionOverride)