Table Description
AdminLegalActionCategory: A type of Legal Category, to be used to categorize the legal actions

A type of Legal Category , to be used to categorize the legal actions based on the certain criteria


An Order is a directive by a legal authority regarding a participant. The details of the order include (but are not limited to) the issue date, effective date, termination date, issuing court, etc . List of Orders include detention order, Reparation Order, Commitment Order etc

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Appeals::Legal Action::Administration::Entity::AdminLegalActionCategory
Controlling File: Appeal\model\Packages\LegalAction\Administration\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (7)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
legalActionCategoryIDkeynoUnique generated IDINTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
legalCategoryNameCodedetails Legal Category name derived from the code table codeLEGAL_ACTION_CATEGORY_NAME_CODELACategoryNameCodeSVR_STRING<10>
creationDatedetails System driven creation date of the Admin Legal CategoryCURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
startDatedetails Effective date of Legal CategoryCURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetails End date of Legal CategoryCURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
commentsdetails comments for legal categoryLEGAL_ACTION_NARRATIVE_TEXT SVR_STRING<30720>
recordStatusCodedetails Code value to denote the Admin Legal Category like Active, CanceledRECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
Foreign Keys (1)
Operations (8)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: legalActionCategoryID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodify Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
readLegalCategoryIDByNamens Returns Legal Category ID for Legal Action NameSQL
readNameByLegalCategoryIDns Returns a Legal Category Name for Legal Category IDSQL
insertAdminLegalActionCategoryinsert This method expects legalActionCategoryID to be set by the caller, if not set it delegates the call to insert() which is modeled to auto generate primary key field ( legalActionCategoryID). It's preferred to call insertAdminLegalActionCategory only in scenario's where caller wants to set the value of primary key by itself. 
Related Pages (34)
Delete Legal Category (AdminLegalAction_cancelLegalCategory)
New Legal Category (AdminLegalAction_createLegalCategories)
Legal Action List (AdminLegalAction_legalActionHome)
Legal Categories (AdminLegalAction_listLegalCategories)
Edit Legal Category (AdminLegalAction_modifyLegalCategory)
View Legal Category (AdminLegalAction_viewLegalCategory)
Add Legal Action Participants (LegalAction_addParticipant)
Associate Legal Actions (LegalAction_associateLegalAction)
Delete Legal Action (LegalAction_cancel)
Cancel Legal Action Record (LegalAction_cancelLegalAction)
New Hearing (LegalAction_createHearing)
New Legal Action (LegalAction_createLegalAction)
New Legal Order (LegalAction_createOrder)
New Petition (LegalAction_createPetition)
Legal Actions (LegalAction_listHearingAssociatedLA)
Legal Actions (LegalAction_listLegalActionPopup)
Legal Actions (LegalAction_listLegalActions)
Legal Actions (LegalAction_listOrderAssociatedLA)
Legal Actions (LegalAction_listPetitionAssociatedLA)
Edit Hearing (LegalAction_modifyHearing)
Edit Legal Order (LegalAction_modifyOrder)
Edit Participant Legal Status (LegalAction_modifyParticipantStatus)
Edit Petition (LegalAction_modifyPetition)
View Participant Legal Status (LegalAction_readParticipantStatus)
Schedule Hearing (LegalAction_scheduleHearing)
New Legal Action (LegalAction_selectLegalAction)
View Hearing (LegalAction_viewHearing)
View Legal Action (LegalAction_viewLegalAction)
View Legal Action (LegalAction_viewOrderConditions)
View Requirements and Conditions (LegalAction_viewOrderRequirements)
Legal Actions (LegalStatus_listLegalActionForCasePopup)