Table Description
Entity to log the HCR account transfer exception. AT Exception Log: This entity holds the exceptions and error thrown while adding the Federal Exchange HCR payload in the curam application. This entity holds the exceptions and error thrown while adding the Federal Exchange HCR payload in the curam application. The record is inserted when the exceptions and error occured while processing the Federal Exchange payload.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::FederalExchange::Entity::ATExceptionLog
Controlling File: FederalExchange\model\FederalExchange.emx
Attributes (7)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
atExceptionLogIDkeyno INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
federalExchangeApplicationIDdetails  FED_EXCHANGE_APP_ID SVR_INT64
exceptionNamedetailsno AT_EXCEPTION_NAME SVR_STRING<50>
exceptionMessagedetailsno AT_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE SVR_STRING<200>
exceptionCodedetailsno AT_EXCEPTION_CODE SVR_STRING<20>
entityIDdetailsno DATASTORE_UID SVR_INT64
Operations (4)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
modifymodify Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
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